Here's a sampling of some songs from the past. No music is embedded.
Click on the to hear the midi file.
All lyrics are printable using the File -> Print Preview commands.
Some of the songs which were well-known in prior times were revived by Mitch Miller and his Sing-Along singers in the 1950's. It was a terrific way to keep alive a musical heritage.
And a couple of these songs can only be appreciated with a YouTube Video. See "Dream a Little Dream of Me" by Mama Cass and "Billy the Kid" by Ry Cooder.
DISCLAIMER: All the songs contained in this site are believed to be in the public domain. The music and information are intended only for personal enjoyment. I have tried to give credit to every website on which I found either the midi or the lyrics for this file. If there is any material used on this site that the author objects to, it will be removed upon notification