Benney & Linda
This home page is not about us, really, but we figured some folks might be interested so here are a few words.
We're both well into our second or third (or fourth) lives. In other lives we were both married (not to each other) for a total of 33 years or so. We've lived in different parts of the United States and, between us, have traveled over most of North America ~ from Alaska to the country of Panama, from New York to California and from Washington State to Florida. Between us we have one child; James Patrick.
Us looking east across Golden ValleyBenney started life by making a major sacrifice to contribute to the war effort that our nation was engaged in at that time. As a proud native Texan, he was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma; an awful sacrifice for any Texan to make and a burden he has had to bear ever since. He grew up (in Texas, of course) and served in the U.S. Air Force in the early 60's as a radar tech ~ electronics has been an interest (and sometimes vocation) ever since. He's been a voracious reader since the second grade, likes solitary outdoor pursuits (hunting, fishing, prospecting, metal detecting, etc), is politically a little to the right of Attila the Hun and has an abiding interest in philosophy. He also likes building things (woodworking) and repairing things (almost anything), does a little bit of cooking and enjoys messing with computers.
Linda has lived in Ohio, in Florida, in Ontario, Canada (she says she never wants to be cold again!)and in Texas.! She is a registered nurse and has spent 15 years helping women have babies. She says she never wants to do that again either! No, seriously, nursing is a wonderful profession, especially when one is young and strong! She is also a voracious reader and enjoys the outdoors. She is just now learning to ride a bicycle. She enjoys crafts and is especially adept at crocheting, knitting, and cross-stitch. She is interested in the computer and enjoys learning new things such as making a home page.
We've been together since late 1984 (got married in 1987) and have been living happily ever since. We lived 12 years in Austin, Texas and every time we took a vacation we headed west. We both love the west and all our vacations would start (or end) in Las Vegas. When our employment picture changed in late 1997 we saw an opportunity to change our whole lifestyle, so we did. We sold out there and moved out here. We're still in the process of building our life here, but so far we love it!