Whistle While You Work midi

Just whistle while you work
Put on that grin and start right in to whistle loud and long
Just hum a merry tune
Just do your best and take a rest and sing yourself a song


When there's too much to do
Don't let it bother you,
Forget your troubles,
Try to be
Just like a cheerful chick-a-dee

And whistle while you work
Come on get smart, tune up and start
To whistle while you work


From Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

Lyrics from: www.stlyrics.com

DISCLAIMER: All the songs contained in this site are believed to be in the public domain. The music and information are intended only for personal enjoyment. I have tried to give credit to every website on which I found either the midi or the lyrics for this file. If there is any material used on this site that the author objects to, it will be removed upon notification

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